Bairag Shipping AND Logistics Services was found in Sudan in(2010), in the name of Bairag Trading Services where it specialized in the fields of customs clearance, imports and exports, transportation, freight forwarding and ship management.
Port Sudan Branch : Commercial Zone - Plot No. 12

Alfalfa Hay Rhodes

Sun Cured Alfalfa and Rhodes in various qualities as per USDA Standard Quality Guidelines:

Arabic gum hashab & talha

Import the best quality of Arabic Gum (hashab & talha with the lowest prices ever. produces all forms of Gum Arabic (hashab & talha) such as raw and kibbled Arabic Gum is used primarily in the food industry as a stabilizer. Arabic Gum is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries, though less expensive materials compete with it for many of these roles


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